The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) said on Friday that the match officials for the Two-Test series against Bangladesh are now set. This series will start on August 21 in Rawalpindi. The famous umpire, Richard Kettleborough, will be there during the Test series. The games are part of the World Test Championship (WTC) for 2023-25.
Sri Lanka’s Ranjan Madugalle, who is a top ICC match referee, will lead the officials. He will be in charge of both Test matches between Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The first Test match will be played at the Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium from August 21 to 25. The second Test will be at the National Bank Stadium in Karachi from August 30 to September 3.
In the Rawalpindi Test, Richard Kettleborough from England will be an on-field umpire. He will work with Adrian Holdstock from South Africa. Michael Gough from England will be the third umpire, and Rashid Riaz from Pakistan will be the fourth umpire.
For the Karachi Test, Michael Gough and Adrian Holdstock will be on the field. Richard Kettleborough will be the third umpire. Asif Yaqoob from Pakistan will be the fourth umpire.
The training camp for the Test series will start on August 11. Pakistan will play Bangladesh in two Test matches. The first Test is in Rawalpindi from August 21 to 25. The second Test is in Karachi from August 30 to September 3.